Saturday, July 27, 2024

News Destination For The Global Indian Community

News Destination For The Global Indian Community

No Trace of Indian intervention in Canada Elections

No Trace of Indian intervention in Canada Elections

An official investigation into allegations of foreign interference in Canadian elections has concluded that India did not attempt to meddle in the country's politics. A panel of senior Canadian officials monitoring the 2021 elections found no evidence of India trying to influence national polls. One poll official stated to the probe panel, "I do not believe during the 2021 election that we saw evidence of the Government of India using those tools in the campaign."

However, Canadian intelligence agencies discovered that China did interfere in Canada's last two elections, according to testimony in the official probe. This revelation follows recent claims by the Canada Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) accusing India and Pakistan of meddling in the 2019 and 2021 Canadian elections.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party emerged victorious in both the 2019 and 2021 elections. In response to media reports and opposition pressure regarding China's potential involvement, Trudeau initiated a commission to investigate foreign interference.

Trudeau is scheduled to provide testimony before the probe panel today. India has previously denied these allegations and reaffirmed its commitment to non-interference in the democratic processes of other nations.

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No Trace of Indian intervention in Canada Elections

No Trace of Indian intervention in Canada Elections

An official investigation into allegations of foreign interference in Canadian elections has concluded that India did not attempt to meddle in the country's politics. A panel of senior Canadian officials monitoring the 2021 elections found no evidence of India trying to influence national polls. One poll official stated to the probe panel, "I do not believe during the 2021 election that we saw evidence of the Government of India using those tools in the campaign."

However, Canadian intelligence agencies discovered that China did interfere in Canada's last two elections, according to testimony in the official probe. This revelation follows recent claims by the Canada Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) accusing India and Pakistan of meddling in the 2019 and 2021 Canadian elections.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party emerged victorious in both the 2019 and 2021 elections. In response to media reports and opposition pressure regarding China's potential involvement, Trudeau initiated a commission to investigate foreign interference.

Trudeau is scheduled to provide testimony before the probe panel today. India has previously denied these allegations and reaffirmed its commitment to non-interference in the democratic processes of other nations.


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