Actress Samaira Rao, who was seen in the movie 'Prem Ratan Dhan Payo' alongside Salman Khan and Sonam Kapoor, will now be seen in a music video called 'Heer' composed and sung by Harshit Chauhan.
Speaking about the song 'Heer', Samaira says: "Shooting 'Heer' was a bit hectic as we had a lot of shots to shoot in very less time. But when you shoot with friends and that too at a place like Lonavala, it's like a picnic and not work. All of us were on the same page there were no disagreements as such. Harshit is very clear about what he wanted from the song and there was no interference from Harshit's end as well, even the director and DOP Gaurav for that matter were very chilled out."
18 November 2021