Saturday, July 27, 2024

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News Destination For The Global Indian Community

Haley called for mental competency test of Trump

Haley called for mental competency test of Trump

Former US President Donald Trump mocked his Republican rival Nikki Haley over her husband's absence due to his deployment overseas, drawing a strong rebuke from the Indian-American politician. Haley's husband, Major Michael Haley, is serving with the South Carolina National Guard in the Horn of Africa, deployed since June.

The exchange of words began at a Trump rally in South Carolina, where Trump questioned Haley's husband's whereabouts, seemingly unaware of his deployment. Haley responded sharply, challenging Trump to confront her directly rather than speaking behind her back. She emphasized the sacrifice military families make and criticized Trump's lack of respect for veterans' service.

Haley called for mental competency tests for politicians over 75, a veiled dig at Trump, who claimed he would pass. She condemned mocking the service of a combat veteran, asserting that such behavior disqualifies someone from holding high office.

This public spat underscores tensions within the Republican Party, with Haley positioning herself as a formidable challenger to Trump's dominance within the party.

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Haley called for mental competency test of Trump

Haley called for mental competency test of Trump

Former US President Donald Trump mocked his Republican rival Nikki Haley over her husband's absence due to his deployment overseas, drawing a strong rebuke from the Indian-American politician. Haley's husband, Major Michael Haley, is serving with the South Carolina National Guard in the Horn of Africa, deployed since June.

The exchange of words began at a Trump rally in South Carolina, where Trump questioned Haley's husband's whereabouts, seemingly unaware of his deployment. Haley responded sharply, challenging Trump to confront her directly rather than speaking behind her back. She emphasized the sacrifice military families make and criticized Trump's lack of respect for veterans' service.

Haley called for mental competency tests for politicians over 75, a veiled dig at Trump, who claimed he would pass. She condemned mocking the service of a combat veteran, asserting that such behavior disqualifies someone from holding high office.

This public spat underscores tensions within the Republican Party, with Haley positioning herself as a formidable challenger to Trump's dominance within the party.


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