Saturday, July 27, 2024

News Destination For The Global Indian Community

News Destination For The Global Indian Community

Canada Accuses India Of Interfering In Its Elections

Canada Accuses India Of Interfering In Its Elections

Canada has accused India and Pakistan of interfering in its elections, a claim India strongly denies. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) released a report alleging that both countries attempted to influence Canada's electoral processes during the 2019 and 2021 general elections. The report suggests India targeted specific districts with Indian-origin voters sympathetic to the Khalistani movement or pro-Pakistan views. It alleges that a government proxy agent may have provided illicit financial support to favored candidates. Pakistan is also accused of engaging in clandestine activities to advance its interests in Canada's political landscape.

India has dismissed these allegations as baseless and shifted the focus to Canada's alleged interference in its internal affairs. Canada's inquiry into foreign meddling has strained relations between the two countries. The decision to investigate foreign interference came after leaked intelligence reports suggested Chinese influence in Canadian elections.

The inquiry's commissioner was tasked with probing interference by various actors, including India, China, and Russia. Trudeau's previous accusations against India regarding a Khalistani terrorist have worsened diplomatic relations, leading to visa suspensions and reduced diplomatic presence.

In February, Canada labeled India a "foreign threat" alongside China and Russia, escalating tensions further. India maintains its stance of non-interference in other countries' democratic processes while criticizing Canada for alleged interference.

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Canada Accuses India Of Interfering In Its Elections

Canada Accuses India Of Interfering In Its Elections

Canada has accused India and Pakistan of interfering in its elections, a claim India strongly denies. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) released a report alleging that both countries attempted to influence Canada's electoral processes during the 2019 and 2021 general elections. The report suggests India targeted specific districts with Indian-origin voters sympathetic to the Khalistani movement or pro-Pakistan views. It alleges that a government proxy agent may have provided illicit financial support to favored candidates. Pakistan is also accused of engaging in clandestine activities to advance its interests in Canada's political landscape.

India has dismissed these allegations as baseless and shifted the focus to Canada's alleged interference in its internal affairs. Canada's inquiry into foreign meddling has strained relations between the two countries. The decision to investigate foreign interference came after leaked intelligence reports suggested Chinese influence in Canadian elections.

The inquiry's commissioner was tasked with probing interference by various actors, including India, China, and Russia. Trudeau's previous accusations against India regarding a Khalistani terrorist have worsened diplomatic relations, leading to visa suspensions and reduced diplomatic presence.

In February, Canada labeled India a "foreign threat" alongside China and Russia, escalating tensions further. India maintains its stance of non-interference in other countries' democratic processes while criticizing Canada for alleged interference.


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