Monday, July 01, 2024

News Destination For The Global Indian Community

News Destination For The Global Indian Community

Donald Trump was not born to be a politician or president

Donald Trump was not born to be a politician or president

The American Empire failed due to the incompetence of its politicians. Corporate greed, wealth inequity, power-hungry politicians, the church's heavy involvement in politics, and the general dumbing down of its populace have all destroyed the 250-year-old democratic experiment.

Many Americans fail to recognize it. From the moment Trump was elected, the outcome was clear. Once respect was lost on a global scale, it marked the end. Once you lost the support of your allies, the situation became hopeless. I could continue discussing this at length. Undoubtedly, there were issues before Trump's tenure, but his actions have only resulted in a regression. He has been extremely focused on deconstructing everything that Obama has accomplished, resulting in a lack of forward movement and, in fact, quite the opposite. Through the election of Trump, America has revealed itself to the world, and it is a source of embarrassment.

Mr. Trump is capable of committing any act that he believes is in the best interest of America and the world. The issue lies in his narrow perspective. He lacks the natural aptitude for politics. He is a professional. In addition, Mr. Trump lacks social sensitivity. He can cause harm to others, and he displays a lack of concern for their well-being. One issue is that when individuals retaliate against him, he tends to create quite a commotion. I believe that Mr. Trump was not naturally suited for a career in politics or the presidency. During his presidency, the United States experienced a significant increase in division rather than unity. America requires a President who can bring the nation together it’s America.

Indeed! Recently in New York's 12 knowledgeable, intelligent, responsible jury members act like strong tyrants, beautify the store of falsehoods every day, touch the leaders of great nations, and provide hate speech anytime they want. As the world's superpower, America has insulted the press, the fourth pillar of democracy, considered itself above the law, and faced two impeachments and many criminal probes “ Trump” who was convicted of 'paying money in return for quiet' throughout his four years as president. Sweet-tempered Judge Juan Merchan will sentenced on July 11, 2024.

It is predicted that Trump's legacy will be forever tarnished, as he is set to be the first former U.S. President to face election violations and serve time in prison, where the press won't feel obligated to report his hateful rhetoric, incessant whining, and complaining. This would spare us from having to endure his lies and constant stream of misinformation.

First US president convicted of state crime. The jury unanimously, clearly, and legally reached this conclusion. His 34 'paying for silence' convictions are cumulative. In this instance, he faces a 4-year sentence.

This case has been linked to billionaire corporator Donald Trump, who allegedly paid a significant amount of money to maintain silence regarding a reported sex scandal with porn star Stormy Daniels in 2006. Trump claimed that this woman was insistent on exploiting him by implicating him in a false case. He provided her with funds to remove her from the situation, but the financial documentation about the transaction was altered before the 2016 presidential election to conceal the incident. It was quite a daunting task to uncover the truth in court regarding the legitimacy of this expenditure. In an attempt to conceal this reality, Donald Trump turned to a scheme within the business world. It appears that there were attempts to provide inaccurate information to the court by Trump's legal team. He believed he was extremely occupied with the presidential elections and had no awareness of this plot.

He made false statements before the American Congress in an attempt to protect himself from impeachment proceedings related to multiple cases involving Trump. It was revealed that he had committed perjury by revealing the truth. In 2018, he was sentenced, but later on, he decided to cooperate with the prosecution as a witness. He played a crucial role in uncovering Trump's case. "Today marks a significant day in upholding accountability and the rule of law," he posted on X shortly after fearlessly impeaching Trump. Despite the challenges my family and I have faced, the importance of truth remains steadfast.

Trump, angered by the decision, expressed his frustration outside the courtroom where he has gained notoriety. He claimed his innocence and criticized the trial as being politically motivated. He expressed his belief that the true verdict will be determined on November 5th, coinciding with the presidential election and that the American public will have the opportunity to hear their voices. He also claimed that the decision against me was made by President Joe Biden's administration.

However, Judge Juan Merchan emphasizes that his primary focus currently is upholding the integrity of the American judicial system.

The upcoming elections for the post of President in America are scheduled to take place on November 5, 2024. The primary competition is between President Joe Biden, who has been designated as the Democratic Party's candidate, and former President Donald Trump, who is representing the Republican Party. Michael Tyler, the communications director of US President Biden's election campaign, emphasizes the importance of upholding the law in America. Former President Trump disregarded legal obligations to pursue his agenda. It is now time for the consequences of those actions to be faced. It would be most beneficial for Americans to impart a significant lesson to such an individual through the election process.

Lawyers are diligently preparing to appeal this decision to the Supreme Court. Countless individuals across the nation have been informed of the legal proceedings against him through various media outlets. Acquired accurate information about his well-known criminal activities that he had been engaging in for an extended period of time using illicit methods, bribery, and manipulation. Many individuals believe that this individual, who is a part of American democracy, deserved the consequences they received.

He strongly criticized prosecutors, judges, and the judicial system, going to great lengths to undermine the rule of law in order to further his own agenda.

The significant portion of the American population lacks a comprehensive education and tends to follow the crowd. In approximately 18 states, the antiquated feudal system remains intact. States that uphold racist ideologies, apartheid, hatred, and slavery have gained a reputation for influencing American elections. An individual with a controversial reputation, known for their unorthodox behavior and questionable ethics, was elected by a portion of the American population who held certain beliefs and values.

Throughout his four-year tenure as the US president, he consistently strived to establish himself as a respected figure in the global community. He wasted no time in criticizing the prominent global leaders. Declining to shake hands with former German chancellor Angela Merkel in the White House, tossing two coffees at her during the G7 summit, and remarking, "Then don't say you have not been given anything," while referring to Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as a weak person, resulted in the departure from the G7 summit. Disregard the Paris environmental agreement and the nuclear deal with Iran, while also undermining the credibility of NATO countries. Additionally, negotiate with the Taliban from Afghanistan and retreat in a state of apprehension. Unprofessional and dishonest individuals perform countless deeds with great power.

Constitution: It is important to note that the U.S. Constitution and laws do not prohibit individuals with criminal or other convictions from running for president. If a person of this nature were to win the election, they could potentially take the oath from jail, although the constitution does not address the issue of governance. An individual who has been found guilty of a crime against the state does not possess the authority to grant themselves a pardon upon assuming the role of President of the United States. This power resides solely with the President of the United States.

During an interview with Fox News reporter Sean Hannity, he inquired about potential actions President Trump might take if elected with regards to the question, the response was, "Except the first day." Well! The court's ruling against him occurred just as the Republican Party was on the verge of officially naming him as their candidate. It is crucial for the American people to carefully consider their choice for president, taking in account the impact it will have on the nation and its democratic values.

Surjit Singh Flora is a veteran journalist and freelance writer based in Brampton Canada: Disclaimer: These are the personal opinions of the author



Donald Trump was not born to be a politician or president

Donald Trump was not born to be a politician or president

The American Empire failed due to the incompetence of its politicians. Corporate greed, wealth inequity, power-hungry politicians, the church's heavy involvement in politics, and the general dumbing down of its populace have all destroyed the 250-year-old democratic experiment.

Many Americans fail to recognize it. From the moment Trump was elected, the outcome was clear. Once respect was lost on a global scale, it marked the end. Once you lost the support of your allies, the situation became hopeless. I could continue discussing this at length. Undoubtedly, there were issues before Trump's tenure, but his actions have only resulted in a regression. He has been extremely focused on deconstructing everything that Obama has accomplished, resulting in a lack of forward movement and, in fact, quite the opposite. Through the election of Trump, America has revealed itself to the world, and it is a source of embarrassment.

Mr. Trump is capable of committing any act that he believes is in the best interest of America and the world. The issue lies in his narrow perspective. He lacks the natural aptitude for politics. He is a professional. In addition, Mr. Trump lacks social sensitivity. He can cause harm to others, and he displays a lack of concern for their well-being. One issue is that when individuals retaliate against him, he tends to create quite a commotion. I believe that Mr. Trump was not naturally suited for a career in politics or the presidency. During his presidency, the United States experienced a significant increase in division rather than unity. America requires a President who can bring the nation together it’s America.

Indeed! Recently in New York's 12 knowledgeable, intelligent, responsible jury members act like strong tyrants, beautify the store of falsehoods every day, touch the leaders of great nations, and provide hate speech anytime they want. As the world's superpower, America has insulted the press, the fourth pillar of democracy, considered itself above the law, and faced two impeachments and many criminal probes “ Trump” who was convicted of 'paying money in return for quiet' throughout his four years as president. Sweet-tempered Judge Juan Merchan will sentenced on July 11, 2024.

It is predicted that Trump's legacy will be forever tarnished, as he is set to be the first former U.S. President to face election violations and serve time in prison, where the press won't feel obligated to report his hateful rhetoric, incessant whining, and complaining. This would spare us from having to endure his lies and constant stream of misinformation.

First US president convicted of state crime. The jury unanimously, clearly, and legally reached this conclusion. His 34 'paying for silence' convictions are cumulative. In this instance, he faces a 4-year sentence.

This case has been linked to billionaire corporator Donald Trump, who allegedly paid a significant amount of money to maintain silence regarding a reported sex scandal with porn star Stormy Daniels in 2006. Trump claimed that this woman was insistent on exploiting him by implicating him in a false case. He provided her with funds to remove her from the situation, but the financial documentation about the transaction was altered before the 2016 presidential election to conceal the incident. It was quite a daunting task to uncover the truth in court regarding the legitimacy of this expenditure. In an attempt to conceal this reality, Donald Trump turned to a scheme within the business world. It appears that there were attempts to provide inaccurate information to the court by Trump's legal team. He believed he was extremely occupied with the presidential elections and had no awareness of this plot.

He made false statements before the American Congress in an attempt to protect himself from impeachment proceedings related to multiple cases involving Trump. It was revealed that he had committed perjury by revealing the truth. In 2018, he was sentenced, but later on, he decided to cooperate with the prosecution as a witness. He played a crucial role in uncovering Trump's case. "Today marks a significant day in upholding accountability and the rule of law," he posted on X shortly after fearlessly impeaching Trump. Despite the challenges my family and I have faced, the importance of truth remains steadfast.

Trump, angered by the decision, expressed his frustration outside the courtroom where he has gained notoriety. He claimed his innocence and criticized the trial as being politically motivated. He expressed his belief that the true verdict will be determined on November 5th, coinciding with the presidential election and that the American public will have the opportunity to hear their voices. He also claimed that the decision against me was made by President Joe Biden's administration.

However, Judge Juan Merchan emphasizes that his primary focus currently is upholding the integrity of the American judicial system.

The upcoming elections for the post of President in America are scheduled to take place on November 5, 2024. The primary competition is between President Joe Biden, who has been designated as the Democratic Party's candidate, and former President Donald Trump, who is representing the Republican Party. Michael Tyler, the communications director of US President Biden's election campaign, emphasizes the importance of upholding the law in America. Former President Trump disregarded legal obligations to pursue his agenda. It is now time for the consequences of those actions to be faced. It would be most beneficial for Americans to impart a significant lesson to such an individual through the election process.

Lawyers are diligently preparing to appeal this decision to the Supreme Court. Countless individuals across the nation have been informed of the legal proceedings against him through various media outlets. Acquired accurate information about his well-known criminal activities that he had been engaging in for an extended period of time using illicit methods, bribery, and manipulation. Many individuals believe that this individual, who is a part of American democracy, deserved the consequences they received.

He strongly criticized prosecutors, judges, and the judicial system, going to great lengths to undermine the rule of law in order to further his own agenda.

The significant portion of the American population lacks a comprehensive education and tends to follow the crowd. In approximately 18 states, the antiquated feudal system remains intact. States that uphold racist ideologies, apartheid, hatred, and slavery have gained a reputation for influencing American elections. An individual with a controversial reputation, known for their unorthodox behavior and questionable ethics, was elected by a portion of the American population who held certain beliefs and values.

Throughout his four-year tenure as the US president, he consistently strived to establish himself as a respected figure in the global community. He wasted no time in criticizing the prominent global leaders. Declining to shake hands with former German chancellor Angela Merkel in the White House, tossing two coffees at her during the G7 summit, and remarking, "Then don't say you have not been given anything," while referring to Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as a weak person, resulted in the departure from the G7 summit. Disregard the Paris environmental agreement and the nuclear deal with Iran, while also undermining the credibility of NATO countries. Additionally, negotiate with the Taliban from Afghanistan and retreat in a state of apprehension. Unprofessional and dishonest individuals perform countless deeds with great power.

Constitution: It is important to note that the U.S. Constitution and laws do not prohibit individuals with criminal or other convictions from running for president. If a person of this nature were to win the election, they could potentially take the oath from jail, although the constitution does not address the issue of governance. An individual who has been found guilty of a crime against the state does not possess the authority to grant themselves a pardon upon assuming the role of President of the United States. This power resides solely with the President of the United States.

During an interview with Fox News reporter Sean Hannity, he inquired about potential actions President Trump might take if elected with regards to the question, the response was, "Except the first day." Well! The court's ruling against him occurred just as the Republican Party was on the verge of officially naming him as their candidate. It is crucial for the American people to carefully consider their choice for president, taking in account the impact it will have on the nation and its democratic values.

Surjit Singh Flora is a veteran journalist and freelance writer based in Brampton Canada: Disclaimer: These are the personal opinions of the author



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