Saturday, July 27, 2024

News Destination For The Global Indian Community

News Destination For The Global Indian Community



'Education is the cornerstone of progress and prosperity, the teachers deserve to be accorded the respect and remuneration commensurate with their important role'.

In the contemporary world education is the most important tool that can be used for achieving the full human potential and progress of a nation. The era of globalization has come up with new issues and challenges, especially for the developing nations. To educate the people for harmonious development, the private sector seems to be gaining more ground in the modern welfare state. To cope with the modern educational challenges and to address the growing demand for quality education, the state and governments in different parts of the world have accorded a lot of scope to the privatization of the education sector. In our scenario at the national or UT level, private education has seen a lot of growth during the last three decades.

With growing unemployment thousands of educated young boys and girls have become part of this private educational setup in the capacity of teachers and various non-teaching assignments. Ideally, it looks good with a growing literacy rate and people getting absorbed in the private sector but the reality is far from the perception.

Over the years with no policy in place, private school teachers face a dire plight as they struggle to make ends meet on meager wages due to the prevailing unemployment crisis. The confluence of unemployment and violations of their rights, including the flouting of minimum wage laws, has left these educators in a vulnerable position. They are forced to accept lower wages due to a lack of alternative employment options. This exploitation perpetuates a cycle of financial insecurity for these educators, impeding their ability to provide for themselves and their families adequately.

Furthermore, On many occasions private school owners in the region are in violation of the Minimum Wages Act, exacerbating the challenges faced by teachers. The failure to adhere to mandated minimum wage standards represents a fundamental breach of the rights of these educators. This flagrant disregard for labor laws has created an environment where the contributions of private school teachers are undervalued and their basic economic rights are systematically undermined.

The government of Jammu and Kashmir must address this pressing issue and take concrete steps to rectify the situation. A comprehensive policy framework specifically designed to protect the rights of private school teachers is urgently needed. This policy should encompass provisions to ensure that these educators receive fair and just compensation in line with the Minimum Wages Act. Additionally, measures should be put in place to hold private school owners accountable for adhering to these standards, with appropriate penalties for non-compliance.

In formulating this policy, the government must also consider the holistic well-being of private school teachers, acknowledging the profound impact of financial stability on their overall quality of life. Access to healthcare, housing, and other essential amenities should be included in the policy framework to ensure that these educators are not only compensated fairly but also supported in leading dignified and secure lives. Efforts should be made to create avenues for professional development and career advancement for private school teachers. By investing in their continued education and training, the government can empower these educators and provide them with opportunities for growth within the education sector. This not only benefits the teachers themselves but also enhances the quality of education imparted to students in private schools.

In addition to these proactive measures, the government should also establish channels for private school teachers to voice their grievances and seek recourse for any violations of their rights. This could take the form of an independent body or ombudsman tasked with addressing labor-related issues and ensuring that the concerns of private school teachers are heard and acted upon.

The government must engage in dialogue with private school owners to foster a mutual understanding of the challenges faced by teachers and the necessity of upholding their rights. Collaboration and cooperation between all stakeholders are vital to bring about meaningful and lasting change in the treatment of private school teachers in Jammu and Kashmir.

Beyond the immediate policy considerations, the broader societal attitude towards the value of education and the role of teachers must be transformed. Recognizing the indispensable contribution of educators to the fabric of society is essential in effecting long-term change. Education is the cornerstone of progress and prosperity, and the teachers who dedicate themselves to this noble cause deserve to be accorded the respect and remuneration commensurate with their important role.

The plight of private school teachers in Jammu and Kashmir demands urgent attention and the government has a responsibility to enact policies that safeguard their rights and well-being. By addressing the issue of unemployment, ensuring adherence to the Minimum Wages Act, and implementing a comprehensive policy framework, the government can signal its commitment to upholding the dignity and rights of private school teachers. It is imperative to recognize the invaluable contribution of these educators and take decisive action to improve their working conditions and quality of life. The time is ripe for the government of Jammu and Kashmir to stand in solidarity with private school teachers and demonstrate its unwavering commitment to justice, equality, and the empowerment of all its citizens. Only through proactive and deliberate measures can we ensure a brighter and more equitable future for private school teachers in the region.

(The author is a writer, columnist, and Academician, and can be reached at



'Education is the cornerstone of progress and prosperity, the teachers deserve to be accorded the respect and remuneration commensurate with their important role'.

In the contemporary world education is the most important tool that can be used for achieving the full human potential and progress of a nation. The era of globalization has come up with new issues and challenges, especially for the developing nations. To educate the people for harmonious development, the private sector seems to be gaining more ground in the modern welfare state. To cope with the modern educational challenges and to address the growing demand for quality education, the state and governments in different parts of the world have accorded a lot of scope to the privatization of the education sector. In our scenario at the national or UT level, private education has seen a lot of growth during the last three decades.

With growing unemployment thousands of educated young boys and girls have become part of this private educational setup in the capacity of teachers and various non-teaching assignments. Ideally, it looks good with a growing literacy rate and people getting absorbed in the private sector but the reality is far from the perception.

Over the years with no policy in place, private school teachers face a dire plight as they struggle to make ends meet on meager wages due to the prevailing unemployment crisis. The confluence of unemployment and violations of their rights, including the flouting of minimum wage laws, has left these educators in a vulnerable position. They are forced to accept lower wages due to a lack of alternative employment options. This exploitation perpetuates a cycle of financial insecurity for these educators, impeding their ability to provide for themselves and their families adequately.

Furthermore, On many occasions private school owners in the region are in violation of the Minimum Wages Act, exacerbating the challenges faced by teachers. The failure to adhere to mandated minimum wage standards represents a fundamental breach of the rights of these educators. This flagrant disregard for labor laws has created an environment where the contributions of private school teachers are undervalued and their basic economic rights are systematically undermined.

The government of Jammu and Kashmir must address this pressing issue and take concrete steps to rectify the situation. A comprehensive policy framework specifically designed to protect the rights of private school teachers is urgently needed. This policy should encompass provisions to ensure that these educators receive fair and just compensation in line with the Minimum Wages Act. Additionally, measures should be put in place to hold private school owners accountable for adhering to these standards, with appropriate penalties for non-compliance.

In formulating this policy, the government must also consider the holistic well-being of private school teachers, acknowledging the profound impact of financial stability on their overall quality of life. Access to healthcare, housing, and other essential amenities should be included in the policy framework to ensure that these educators are not only compensated fairly but also supported in leading dignified and secure lives. Efforts should be made to create avenues for professional development and career advancement for private school teachers. By investing in their continued education and training, the government can empower these educators and provide them with opportunities for growth within the education sector. This not only benefits the teachers themselves but also enhances the quality of education imparted to students in private schools.

In addition to these proactive measures, the government should also establish channels for private school teachers to voice their grievances and seek recourse for any violations of their rights. This could take the form of an independent body or ombudsman tasked with addressing labor-related issues and ensuring that the concerns of private school teachers are heard and acted upon.

The government must engage in dialogue with private school owners to foster a mutual understanding of the challenges faced by teachers and the necessity of upholding their rights. Collaboration and cooperation between all stakeholders are vital to bring about meaningful and lasting change in the treatment of private school teachers in Jammu and Kashmir.

Beyond the immediate policy considerations, the broader societal attitude towards the value of education and the role of teachers must be transformed. Recognizing the indispensable contribution of educators to the fabric of society is essential in effecting long-term change. Education is the cornerstone of progress and prosperity, and the teachers who dedicate themselves to this noble cause deserve to be accorded the respect and remuneration commensurate with their important role.

The plight of private school teachers in Jammu and Kashmir demands urgent attention and the government has a responsibility to enact policies that safeguard their rights and well-being. By addressing the issue of unemployment, ensuring adherence to the Minimum Wages Act, and implementing a comprehensive policy framework, the government can signal its commitment to upholding the dignity and rights of private school teachers. It is imperative to recognize the invaluable contribution of these educators and take decisive action to improve their working conditions and quality of life. The time is ripe for the government of Jammu and Kashmir to stand in solidarity with private school teachers and demonstrate its unwavering commitment to justice, equality, and the empowerment of all its citizens. Only through proactive and deliberate measures can we ensure a brighter and more equitable future for private school teachers in the region.

(The author is a writer, columnist, and Academician, and can be reached at

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