Indian equity benchmark indices Sensex and Nifty commenced trading on Monday (May 13) with a downward trajectory, influenced by ongoing foreign fund outflows and subdued performances in US and Asian markets. Sensex initiated trading 0.27 percent lower at 72,476.00, marking a decrease of 187.82 points, while Nifty opened at 22,028.00, reflecting a decline of 0.12 percent or 27.20 points.
Despite positive signals from global markets, GIFT Nifty maintained a discount of 180 points, trading at 22,949.50, which is 0.81 percent lower. The persistent foreign fund outflows and cautious sentiment from both domestic and international investors contributed to the subdued opening of the Indian stock market. Investors are closely monitoring the developments to gauge the impact of external factors on the market movement throughout the trading session.
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