Market leader Mahindra & Mahindra launched new versions of its sports utility vehicle Thar with price starting at Rs 9.99 lakh (ex-showroom). The new range includes rear wheel drive variants (without 4 wheel drive capability) in two engine options with manual and automatic transmissions, the auto major said in a statement.
The two diesel-powered manual rear-wheel drive trims Thar are priced at Rs 9.99 lakh and Rs 10.99 lakh while the petrol automatic variant is tagged at Rs 13.49 lakh. The 4WD (4-wheel drive) range now comes with an advanced electronic brake locking differential, the company said.
"To make our offering even better, we listened to our customers and engineered the new range of the Thar with important enhancements," Mahindra & Mahindra President, Automotive Division Veejay Nakra noted. By offering the new rear wheel drive variants, the company has made it much more accessible for probable customers, he added.
"Thar aditions on the 4WD variant have been designed to please the true off-roaders," Nakra said.
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