Saturday, July 27, 2024

News Destination For The Global Indian Community

News Destination For The Global Indian Community

Israel Weighs Strike on Iran's Nuclear Sites Amid Escalating Tensions

Israel Weighs Strike on Iran's Nuclear Sites Amid Escalating Tensions

Israel's war cabinet is urgently deliberating on retaliatory measures following Iran's unprecedented drone and missile attack, with nearly 300 projectiles launched from Iranian soil. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, despite international calls for restraint, is adamant about a forceful response to avoid signaling weakness and inviting further aggression.

As Israel mulls its options, air strikes emerge as a potential choice given Iran's comparatively weaker air defenses. Strategic targets such as Revolutionary Guards' bases or nuclear facilities could be in Israel's crosshairs, a move fraught with risk as it could escalate tensions regionally. Israel's historical stance of preemptive military action, demonstrated by strikes on an Iraqi reactor in 1981 and a Syrian nuclear site in 2007, underscores its view of Iran's nuclear program as an existential threat, contrary to Tehran's claims of peaceful intent.

The covert Bonab Atomic Research Center, close to Israeli ally Azerbaijan, may also be a target to showcase Israel's military prowess. Military installations or critical infrastructure might face direct airstrikes or cyber operations, aiming to deter while minimizing civilian casualties, according to Sima Shine, a former Mossad intelligence agency official.

Although Israel hasn't disclosed its retaliatory plans, a past claim by former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett of destroying an Iranian drone base in 2022 hints at potential actions. The Israeli Air Force remains prepared for defensive and retaliatory measures, as emphasized in a recent press briefing, with decisions resting with the government and cabinet.

In a related display, Israel showcases an Iranian ballistic missile, retrieved from the Dead Sea, highlighting the ongoing tensions and military posturing between the two nations.

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Israel Weighs Strike on Iran's Nuclear Sites Amid Escalating Tensions

Israel Weighs Strike on Iran's Nuclear Sites Amid Escalating Tensions

Israel's war cabinet is urgently deliberating on retaliatory measures following Iran's unprecedented drone and missile attack, with nearly 300 projectiles launched from Iranian soil. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, despite international calls for restraint, is adamant about a forceful response to avoid signaling weakness and inviting further aggression.

As Israel mulls its options, air strikes emerge as a potential choice given Iran's comparatively weaker air defenses. Strategic targets such as Revolutionary Guards' bases or nuclear facilities could be in Israel's crosshairs, a move fraught with risk as it could escalate tensions regionally. Israel's historical stance of preemptive military action, demonstrated by strikes on an Iraqi reactor in 1981 and a Syrian nuclear site in 2007, underscores its view of Iran's nuclear program as an existential threat, contrary to Tehran's claims of peaceful intent.

The covert Bonab Atomic Research Center, close to Israeli ally Azerbaijan, may also be a target to showcase Israel's military prowess. Military installations or critical infrastructure might face direct airstrikes or cyber operations, aiming to deter while minimizing civilian casualties, according to Sima Shine, a former Mossad intelligence agency official.

Although Israel hasn't disclosed its retaliatory plans, a past claim by former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett of destroying an Iranian drone base in 2022 hints at potential actions. The Israeli Air Force remains prepared for defensive and retaliatory measures, as emphasized in a recent press briefing, with decisions resting with the government and cabinet.

In a related display, Israel showcases an Iranian ballistic missile, retrieved from the Dead Sea, highlighting the ongoing tensions and military posturing between the two nations.


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